On September 17th the fourth International conference and exhibition PromTransZhat-2015 took place in Ekaterinburg, Russia. About a hundred of enterprises of railway industrial transport, design organizations, developers and manufacturers of railway automatics from Russia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Belorussia participated in this event. R&P Centre “Promelectronica” and the Union of Railway related companies traditionally organized the event. This year PromTransZhat-2015 was under the aegis of the Union of Railway Transport and Service Companies and the Transport Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.


The conference and exhibition PromTransZhat-2015 was devoted to the issues of improvement of railway transport operation, anti-crisis management solutions and prospects of the railway industry development in the modern economic conditions. At the first part of the conference the leading Russian developers and manufacturers of the railway automation systems, engineering companies presented their reports and exchanged their views and experience related to the operation issues with heads of railway signalling divisions and directors of transport of industrial enterprises. It is important to note that all participants agreed that safety and reliability of train traffic must be the primary task to all heads of railway divisions regardless of any economic woes. Future belongs to the modern microprocessor systems which meet the high requirements of safety and have cost-effective life cycle; flexible information-and-logistics solutions which ensure the permanent control of transport at enterprise; manufacturing methods which substitute the import and Russian design solutions for monitoring and control of train traffic.        

Special mention was made of issues related to the Russian Railways interaction with railway industrial transport enterprises. On behalf of the Russian Railways CEOs Vitaly Mikhailovich Kainov, the Chief Engineer of design and construction bureau of the Infrastructure Directorate, greeted the participants of the conference.

The technical part of the conference was finished in an unusual way. The participants were involved into a business game during which they discussed truly important problems and issues, and shared their professional knowledge and experience. Some of the issues were: what are the data to assess the quality of railway transport operation? what is the impact of implementation of automated train traffic control systems at enterprises? and etc.     

During the second part of the conference the participants learnt the economic forecast and trends in Russia from the most famous and quoted economist Mikhail Gennadievich Delyagin. He held his seminar “Changes in Economy. How to run business?”

At the same time there was the exhibition of modern technologies and techniques addressed to enterprises of railway infrastructure. The participants could see the stands of such companies as R&P Centre “Promelectronica”, CJSC “Trans-Signal”, CJSC NPO “RoSAT”, OOO “Park ZhD”, CJSC “MGP “Imsat”, OOO “Alstom Transport Rus”, OOO “Inruskom”, OOO “Vybor”, JSC “Radioavionika”, OOO “Sysert Locomotive Depot”, scientific research laboratory “Computer Automation Systems” (NIL KSA “Ural State University of Railway Transport”), Testing Center “SCB-Expert”.   

At the stand of R&P Centre “Promelectronica” there were demonstrated several newly-designed products: operator work terminal of Centralized control based on MPC-I technology (DK-I system); station operator work terminal of Microprocessor Interlocking MPC-I with demonstration of remote control of several stations performed from one interlocking tower using a touchscreen; interactive stand for ESSO-M system as well as all main design solutions of our company presented on the large demonstration panel.  

It is a pleasure to know that the Union of Railway Transport and Service Companies first spoke of our services in the railway industry. Certificates of honour were granted to the Chairman of board of directors Igor Germanovich Tilk and Vladimir Ivanovich Moiseykin, equipment setting-up and testing engineer of Building dpt.

Vitaly Borisovich Efimov, the President of the Union of Railway Transport and Service Companies of the Russian Federation, the first vice-chairman of the State Duma Transport Committee:

PromTransZhat is the only event which unites the certified developers of railway automation and telemechanics systems, heads of transport divisions of industrial enterprises, supervisory and legislative authorities. The aim of this event is to enhance the prestige of railway industry, demonstrate the strategic significance of railway transport to the Industry and Economy of Russia. It is intended to draw attention of Consumers of railway services to the importance of cooperation with certified and reliable suppliers”.