DKL Rail Contact Sensor

  • Advantages
  • Areas of use
  • Data Sheet
  • Video about Wheel Sensors
  • Technical Data
  • Licenses and certificate
  • Technical support
Датчик рельсового колеса ДКЛ

DKL Rail Contact Sensor

DKL Sensor detects wheel presence in the sensor area.

DKL Sensor detects wheel presence in the sensor area. Suitable for mobile solutions. Lightweight and compact.

Promelectronica Catalogue of Products


  • Simple and quick installation on all rail types, installation time – less than 5 minutes.
  • Does not require maintenance.

Railway Segments

  • Warning of track maintenance personnel about incoming trains.
  • Train Speed Measurement Systems.
  • Wheel Location System etc.

Video about Wheel Sensors

Technical Data

  • "Dry Contact" Interface.
  • Operating temperature range: -60 to +70 °C.
  • Power supply voltage: 12 to 36 V, power max. 1 W.

Licenses and certificates of the DKL system

  • DKL
    Declaration of Compliance for DKL Sensor