References and Certificates
DKTDeclaration of compliance for DKT
MPBDiploma for 2nd place in the contest for the best quality system, issued by the Russian Railways (MPB system)
MAPSDiploma for 1st place in the contest for the best quality system, issued by the Russian Railways (MAPS system)
DKU-02 KoldunDeclaration of compliance for DKU-02 Koldun Wheel Sensor
eDKTDeclaration of Compliance for eDKT Wheel Sensor
ABTC-IDeclaration of compliance for ABTC-I Automatic Block System (page 1)
BBK-02BBK-02 Declaration of Compliance
KID-ICertificate on approval for KID-I type measurement device
KID-NCertificate on approval for KID-N type measurement device
SGP-MSDeclaration of compliance for SGP-MS system (page 1)
DKLDeclaration of Compliance for DKL Sensor
MPC-IСENELEC SIL4 Certificate for MPC-I
ESSO-M-2Declaration of compliance for ESSO-M-2
ESSO-ILSDeclaration of compliance for KI-S Interface Converter
ESSO-MESSO-M Trademark Certificate
ESSO-MCENELEC SIL 4 Certificate for ESSO-M Axle Counting System
MPC-IMPC-I Trademark Certificate
eDKTCertificate of Explosion Protection for eDKT Wheel Sensor (page 1)
DKU-02 KoldunProlongation of Trademark Certificate 532592 DKU-02 Koldun Wheel Sensor
MAPSDeclaration of compliance for MAPS (page 1)
MPBDeclaration of compliance for MPB (page 1)
SGP-MSDeclaration of compliance for SGP-MS system (page 2)
ABTC-IDeclaration of compliance for ABTC-I Automatic Block System (page 2)
MPBDeclaration of compliance for MPB (page 2)
MPC-IProlongation of MPC-I Trademark Certificate
eDKTCertificate of Explosion Protection for eDKT Wheel Sensor (page 2)
ABTC-ICertificate of Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia for ABTC-I (page 1)
ESSO-MDiploma for 2nd place in the contest for the best quality system, issued by the Russian Railways (ESSO system)
DKU-02 KoldunCertificate TR TS 012 DKU-02 Koldun and DKU-M Wheel Sensors (page 1)
MAPSDeclaration of compliance for MAPS (page 2)
DKU-02 KoldunCertificate TR TS 012 DKU-02 Koldun and DKU-M Wheel Sensors (page 2)
ABTC-ICertificate of Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia for ABTC-I (page 2)
MAPSProlongation of Certificate TЗ 538543 MAPS
MPC-IDiploma for 2nd place in the contest for the best quality, issued by the Russian Railways (MPC-I system)
ESSO-MDeclaration of compliance for ESSO-M (page 1)
MAPSDeclaration of compliance for DKU Adapter
ABTC-IFSTEK Certificate for ABTC-I
ESSO-MDeclaration of compliance for ESSO-M (page 2)
DKU-02 KoldunCertificate TR TS 012 DKU-02 Koldun and DKU-M Wheel Sensors (page 3)
MPC-ICertificate for CAD of MPC-I system
ABTC-IAnnex to FSTEK Certificate for ABTC-I
MPC-ICertificate for MPC-I computer system
ESSO-MCertificate of Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia for ESSO-M (page 1)
ESSO-MCertificate of Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia for ESSO-M (page 2)
MPC-ICertificate of State Registration for MPC-I Control Program
MPC-IDeclaration of compliance of MPC-I to information security requirements on railways
ESSO-MCertificate of Compliance for DKU Wheel Sensor, page 1
ESSO-MCertificate of Compliance for DKU Wheel Sensor, page 2
MPC-IAppendix to certificate of compliance of signaling equipment for application in underground excavation sites and mines
ESSO-MCertificate of Compliance for DKU-M Wheel Sensor, page 1
MPC-ICertificate of Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia (page 1)
MPC-ICertificate of Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia (page 1)
ESSO-MCertificate of Compliance for DKU-M Wheel Sensor, page 2
MPC-IDeclaration of compliance for MPC-I (page 1)
MPC-IDeclaration of compliance for MPC-I (page 2)