Station Master Training Set

  • Advantages
  • Data Sheet
  • Set of Equipment
  • Technical support
Тренажер дежурного по станции

Station Master Training Set

Created to train station masters prior to station is put into operation and during regular training.

Created to train station masters to operate with MPC-I Computer Based Interlocking in the main control mode. The training is performed via a mock-up of an actual station where the staff is to work at. Station layout and user interface on the terminal are fully identical to the actual station.

The following procedures are studied during the traning course:

  • user authorization and log-in.
  • setting and cancelling a route.
  • points switching.
  • calling-on signal activation.
  • supplementary point switching.
  • forced point setting after train is arrived.
  • guides for station master in case of points failure and false occupancy.
  • train reception at station in case of equipment failure.

Promelectronica Catalogue of Products


  • Compact sizes.
  • 220 V DC power supply.

Set of Equipment

  • Working place.
  • MPC-I Simulator Software.