KTS AZS Automatic Rolling Stock Chocking System

  • Tasks
  • Advantages
  • Areas of use
  • Data Sheet
  • Video about KTS AZS
  • Set of Equipment
  • Technical Data
  • Cost Efficiency
  • Reviews
  • Technical support
KTS AZS Automatic Rolling Stock Chocking System

KTS AZS Automatic Rolling Stock Chocking System

KTS AZS Chocking System is designed for automation of precise stopping and train chocking on reception and departure tracks on railway stations.

KTS AZS Chocking System is designed for automation of precise stopping and train chocking on reception and departure tracks on railway stations. It employs stationary heavy-duty braking chocks consisting of two modules – chocking and absorbing modules. The modules are installed on reception and departure tracks – one set for each track, except main tracks and tracks designated for non-stop passing.

A train is chocked by electromechanically driven elements of the braking chock that change their position by an operator's command providing mechanical effect on rolling stocks' wheel pairs. The system prevents accidental movement of chocked rolling stock or its any part.

Promelectronica Catalogue of Products


  1. Reduces time for chocking a train.
  2. Reduces operating costs due to no signalling staff work.
  3. Reduces operating costs due to no locomotive idle time.
  4. Increases work culture and no operating personnel in the hazardous area.


  • Does not require presence of signalling personnel and installation of brake shoes.
  • Eliminates unauthorized movement of chocked rolling stock or any of its parts.
  • Local control of braking choke.

Railway Segments

  • Public railways.
  • Industrial Transport.

Data Sheet

Video about KTS AZS

Set of Equipment

  • Stationary Heavy-Duty Chocks.
  • Precise Train Stop Subsystem.
  • Station Master Work Terminal: input of commands monitoring of operation.
  • Chock Drive Control Subsystem.
  • Interlocking Interfacing Subsystem.
  • Local Control Panel.
Brake Chock
Local Control Panel
Wheel pair chocking
Visual Indicator
Interlocking Interfacing Unit
Station Master Work Terminal
Brake Chock

Technical Data

  • Chocking a train with the total mass of up to 10 000 tonnes on a track with a slope up to 3 ‰, 
    up to 5 000 tonnes on a track with up to slope  6 ‰.
  • Multiple control modes: cantralized and local.
  • Precise Train Stop Subsystem.
  • Time for chock/unchock a train using a bracking chock: max. 2 minutes.

Cost Efficiency

Customer reviews about the KTS AZS system

    NLMK Group
    We thank senior managers and specialists of R&D Company “Promelectronica” for long-term meaningful cooperation. We are looking forward to further cooperation in construction of new and upgrading of existing signalling equipment to fortify its reliability and improve maintenance procedure.
    A.L. Kropotov, Head of Railway Transport Dept.