ULIS MAPS Laboratory Set

  • Tasks
  • Data Sheet
  • Set of Equipment
  • Technical support
Автоматического управления переездной сигнализацией

ULIS MAPS Laboratory Set

ULIS MAPS is used to study operation of MAPS Automatic Level-Crossing Control System by students in railway education establishments and railway staff.

ULIS MAPS is used to study operation of MAPS Automatic Level-Crossing Control System by students in railway education establishments and railway staff. It is a mock-up of singletrack guarded level-crossing equipped with light signals incl. white signal.

Promelectronica Catalogue of Products


  1. Learning MAPS operating principles, its configuiring tools.
  2. Learning indication and control tools in a normal mode.
  3. Learning indication and diagnostic tools in case of malfunctioning.

Set of Equipment

  • MAPS Indoor Equipment.
  • MAPS Outdoor Equipment: a mock-up of a singletrack level-crossing.
  • Axle Counting Point.

Indoor equipment includes lamps of level-crossing signals, level-crossing status indication and schematic communication lines.

MAPS Module
DKU Counting Point