BUKS Derailment Control Device

  • Tasks
  • Advantages
  • Areas of use
  • Data Sheet
  • Video about BUKS
  • Set of Equipment
  • Technical Data
  • Geography
  • Technical support
Устройство контроля схода подвижного состава

BUKS Derailment Control Device

BUKS is a means of automatic control of rolling stock technical condition.

BUKS Derailment Control Device detects derailment, dragging metal parts of rolling stock or cargo fixing elements. It is a means of automatic control of rolling stock technical condition. BUKS increases train traffic safety by sending the warning to related signalling systems to prevent railway infrastructure objects from damage.

BUKS registers train car number and direction of train movement. Data are displayed by BI indicators and is sent to upper-level system. 

In case of lower clearance violation, it generates data on derailment, car number and side of derailment. These data are transmitted to upper level systems and displayed by BI indicators. Such status is held for 10-20 s required for reliable detection of lower clearance violation by signalling systems. After 10-20 s BUKS is automatically recovered and is capable to detect clearance violation.




Promelectronica Catalogue of Products


  1. Detects derailment of any type of car and locomotive when a train is passing over the check point in forward and backward direction.
  2. Identifies the side of train where dragging is detected with regard to movement direction.
  3. Identifies the car number (from the train head) near which derailment/dragging is detected with regard to possible change of movement direction.
  4. Link with signalling units to communicate data on derailment since its detection, diagnostic data on failures and faults of BUKS parts and links.
  5. Identifies direction of train movement over the derailment/dragging control point.


  • Does not damaged by ice and dragging parts.
  • Does not require electrical adjustments.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Embedded diagnostic, monitoring and event logging system.

Railway Segments

  • Public and Non-Public Railways along with EI and railway signalling which secure railway transport infrastructure by protecting and holding signals.

Data Sheet

Video about BUKS

Set of Equipment

Outdoor Units

  • DKS Derailment Detector.
  • BOS Signal Processing Unit.

DKS Derailment Detector generates signals on car passing and derailment. BOS Signal Processing Unit detects clearance violation, identifies derailment side and car number as well as direction and speed of movement. BOS ensures self-diagnostics and diagnostics of DKS, sends data to upper level systems.

Indoor Units

  • BI Interfacing Unit.

BI Interfacing Unit provides connection with electronic signalling systems via digital and relay interfaces, ensures power supply of BOS Signal Processing Unit.

BUKS Visual Panel
BOS Signal Processing Unit
DKS Derailment Detector
BI Interfacing Unit

Technical Data

  • Cable between DKS Derailment Detectors and BOS Signal Processing Unit: 3 m.
  • BUKS power supply: 24 V by station battery in case of centralized power supply; 12 V by local power supply.
  • EIA-485 Serial Interface, Relay Interface via KVS type relay.
  • Two-wire line connection between outdoor and indoor uniys.
  • Power consumption: max. 10 W.

Geography of implementation of the BUKS system