Projects and solutions

News from Taman: Train track protection control panel added at Taman Loose Goods Terminal Station

A train track protection control panel has been introduced into service on 5 arrival and departure tracks at Taman Loose Goods Terminal Station (belongs to OOO OTEKO-Portsevis), providing remote control capabilities. 

Track protection systems are only installed on tracks that are regularly used for inspection and maintenance of trains.

Now the Station Master is unable to give a command for train arrival or departure until a yard master lifts track protection on which the train is located. Track protection control panel significantly increases safety during marshalling and breaking down of trains.

The station also received software updates for MPC-I computer based interlocking, as well as changes were made to the equipment cabinets and racks. MPC-I and ESSO-M systems have been implemented on Taman Loose Goods Terminal station back in 2020: here MPC-I controls 65 light signals and 52 points, whereas 105 counting posts ensure track clearance.

Taman Loose Goods Terminal Station is a part of the Taman Loose Goods Terminal, which has a capacity of more than 70 million tons, consisting coal and sulfur terminals.