Mr. Tilk graduated with honors from Electrotechnical Faculty of Ural Electromechanical Institute of Railway Engineers (nowadays Ural State University of Railway Transport) with a degree in Automation, telemechanics on railway transport, as well as completed postgraduate program at St. Petersburg State Transport University with a degree in Safe microprocessor systems of railway automation and telemechanics.
In 1992 Mr. Tilk founded the Research and Development Company Promelectronica, where he united signaling engineers with a common idea, took an active part in development and testing of systems.
For years Mr. Tilk directly managed the company, making it a leader in development, production and implementation of microprocessor systems of railway signaling for mainlines and industrial railways.
In 2005 Mr. Tilk defended a thesis on “Research and development of technical means, based on application of electronic axle counters”. Mr. Tilk has a Candidate degree in Engineering sciences.
Mr. Tilk is the author of more than 100 scientific and technical publications, around 40 of which are inventor’s certificates and patents for inventions in railway engineering.
Mr. Tilk is awarded with certificates of merit of the Ministry of Railways, Transport Workers Union of Russia, National Union of Railway Workers of Russia, Ural Directorate of Federal Railway Agency, Legislative Assembly of Sverdlovsk Region.
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Igor TilkPresident Promelectronica Group
Vadim LyanoyVice-president Promelectronica Group
Mr. Lyanoy is a graduate of Electrotechnical Faculty of Ural Electromechanical Institute of Railway Engineers (nowadays Ural State University of Railway Transport) with a degree in Automation, telemechanics on railway transport.
After graduation in 1986, Mr. Lyanoy was assigned to work as an engineer in the laboratory dedicated to automation of control and remote operation of train brakes.
In 1991-1992 Mr. Lyanoy was a full-time student in post-graduate Electric Traction program of the Ural Electromechanical Institute of Railway Engineers, as well as did teaching work.
Mr. Lyanoy is one of the founders of JSC R&D Company Promelectronica. He started his work in the company in 1992, making his way from an engineer, Head of Production Department, Director for Technical Policy up to Deputy Director General of the company and Director for Business Development and Vice-President of the Promelectronica Group.
Mr. Lyanoy personally took part in development of most of the company’s systems. ESSO, ESSO-M, ESSO-M-2, MPC-I systems developed under Mr. Lyanoy’s direction have been certified for compliance to the highest safety integrity level SIL4 of CENELEC standard.
Currently Mr. Lyanoy coordinates cooperation with JSC Russian Railways, takes part in most of networking and industry events. He is actively involved in development of innovative products of the company and participates in legislative activities.
Mr. Lyanoy is a Candidate of Engineering Sciences. He is author of more than 100 scientific and technical publications, around 40 of which are inventor’s certificates and patents for inventions in railway engineering.
Mr. Laynoy is awarded with certificates of merit of the Ministry of Railways, National Union of Railway Workers of Russia, Union of Railway Market Stakeholders, Ural Directorate of Federal Railway Agency, II degree mark of distinction of Transport Workers Union of Russia, recognition letter of the Federal Authority for Transport Oversight.
German TilkCEO R&D Company "Promelectronica"
Mr. Tilk graduated Electrotechnical faculty of Ural State University of Railway Transport with a degree in Automation, telemechanics and communication on railway transport. Prior to leading the company, German Tilk studied the internal processes of the company, personally learned about peculiarities of work and participated in commissioning of facilities on railways of Russia.
Mr. Tilk has taken a role of CEO of R&D Company Promelectronica in 2016. Under his leadership, the company actively develops new systems, takes part in new infrastructure projects on mainlines and industrial railways. Moreover, the company added seven more countries to its portfolio.
Mr. Tilk employs modern practices in development of systems and company management, paying special attention to development of the brand and HR management.
Mr. Tilk is with a certificate of merit from the Federal Authority for Transport Oversight, Certificate of Commendation from the Transport Workers Union of Russia, a certificate of merit from the Ministry of Industry and Science of Sverdlovsk Region.